Sacred cacAO ceremony & shamanic ecstatic dance

Open your heart and feel the music

Discover A New Experience

Please join me for a Cacao Ceremony and Shamanic Ecstatic Dance Workshop. This workshop is a unique opportunity to embark upon a spiritual journey, and to discover the splendour of ceremonial cacao plant medicine. Drink ceremonial cacao, let your heart open, and embrace yourself through dance immersion.




The Cacao Ceremony is an opportunity for sharing your heartfelt intentions, and for connecting deeply with those intentions. During this time, you will take part in an exercise of sharing and discovery. I will be guiding you in the exercise, and I will also be preparing the cacao drink during the workshop. You will be free to unwind and to let the music guide you to wherever your senses may wander.


Discover the transformative power of ecstatic dancing.

Following the ceremony itself, you will have an opportunity to experience the transformative power of ecstatic dancing, allowing beautiful spiritual shamanic music to ignite your spirit, unlock your feelings and connect you to yourself. Your body will naturally attune itself, harmonizing with the distinctive healing vibrations of the musical experience.

You will be free to unwind and let the music guide you to wherever your senses may wander.




A Safe Ceremonial Space

I am holding a safe ceremonial space for you to journey deep into dance with the help of multicultural rhythms - beautiful beats, combined with chanting of sacred songs, and calls to love, kindness and compassion. My intention is to help you reach self-discovery, exploring a present-minded state which can offer new insights and deeper clarity in your purpose.

Awaken Your Senses

We will be drinking Ceremonial Cacao, sharing intentions, connecting with ourselves and others and emerging into dance together. During this immersive experience you will have the opportunity to indulge in spiritual music and Ceremonial Cacao. The vibrant tunes and rich aroma of the cacao will awaken your senses and uplift your spirit.

Reconnect And Embrace

Participating in this workshop, you will have the chance to reconnect with yourself and embrace the simple pleasures of life. Through sacred cacao dance, you will slow down your busy mind, let go of your anxieties, and rediscover the wonder of plants in combination with music.


Ceremonial Cacao

Ceremonial cacao has been used for centuries, as a sacred medicine, in spiritual practice, by indigenous tribes.

Cacao (Theobroma Cacao) is an evergreen tree whose fully fermented fruit seeds, known as “cacao beans,” are the main ingredient in cacao nibs, cacao paste, cacao butter, and chocolate. Cacao contains many bioactive compounds and essential minerals that work together to:

  • support immune function

  • support cardiovascular health

  • enhance cognitive function

  • elevate mood

  • improve mental health

  • alleviate oxidative stress, metabolic syndrome, inflammatory conditions, and fatigue

  • promote skin health, bone health, and overall nutritional health.

I will be using Virgin Peruvian Criollo raw cacao, which is beautifully smooth, nourishing and grounding cacao. It is ethically sourced through a worker’s co-operative of small family farmers. They farm in accordance with chemical-free organic standards, fostering biodiversity and social responsibility, and offering fair distribution of income, employment and education support.



of Drinking cacao

Cacao is packed with health-enhancing bioactive compounds to awaken your heart chakra and heal your body.


Contains powerful antioxidants, and essential minerals including magnesium, copper, zinc and iron.

Packed with vitamins, including B1, B2, B3, B5, B8, C and E.



Stimulates the production of endorphins.


Contains heart-healthy fat in the form of oleic acid.

Essential Amino Acids

Tryptophan, phenylalanine and tyrosine - which make us feel good and improves our mood due to the release of adrenaline and dopamine.

Meet Andreea

A little bit about myself

Events such as the ones I organise are about good energy, friendship and trust, and so it is only fair for me to offer you a bit of welcoming background about myself.

Positive Healing

Positive Healing

I am a positive person, energetic and full of hope. I love being around people, helping as much as I can. I believe that, through helping others, we help ourselves live a better, more peaceful life. I believe strongly that compassion is the way to a happy life.

I like to see positivity and possibility in life. I am no stranger to suffering, and have been through difficult times during my younger years, but I have managed to find the path to healing. I enjoy helping to bring similar healing to others, too.

Compassion Through Self-compassion

Being there for ourselves, and for others, is so important.

Compassion, love and understanding have all been a big part of my healing journey. I believe that the way to a happy life is to love ourselves, share the love around us, and above all to understand that each person we meet is only looking to be happy.

I think it’s so important that we treat ourselves with compassion, so that it can also overflow around us towards other people.

Animals And Nature

I believe that our compassion can extend widely, beyond humans, to all beings.

I love animals, and I believe that all beings should be treated equally, and should be free.

I love nature, and I love walking in forests.

The Sacred And The Ceremonial

In recent years I have learned more about the power of ritual and ceremony to help us make to most of ourselves. For me, it's important that it is a freeing experience, allowing us to be together in a safe space, learning more about ourselves, and growing together.

As well as having been a participant, I am now beginning to enjoy being more of a facilitator, helping to provide a treasured place and time, so that participants can explore and experience themselves and each other without fear, and with a true sense of freedom to be themselves. I simply want to pass on what I have learned and benefited from, and bring it to others.



I feel a deep connection with music, and I believe one way of getting in touch with our own feelings is through the use of music.

After a recent healing journey, I have found myself more open to music. Beautiful music has helped me realise that each moment is important, and that we must live our lives by accepting, and connecting with our own emotions.

Music has been teaching me that it’s ok to pause our busy lives, to enjoy the rhythms, and to dance and sing our emotions out of us. Through music, when we feel safe to do so, we can let emotions flow within us but without us, without our control or planned reaction.

Music is part of our lives, and can be used for beneficial therapeutic purposes.

I feel lucky to have music in my life, and I look forward to helping you, and others I meet on my journey, to let go of our own expectations and control, and just let the music flow through our being.

Whether through conversation, activity or music, I love to meet new people, and look forward to meeting you.

Ecstatic Dancing Man

Events take place at…

The Bisley Yurt
Miles Green Farm
Queens Road
GU24 9AR


The Space


an event



For Drinking Cacao

Cacao contains a small amount of caffeine. As such, it is recommended that you DO NOT drink any stimulants, including coffee, for at least 3 hours before the workshop.

Be sure to drink plenty of water before, during, and after the workshop.

I recommend that you avoid eating for at least three hours prior to the ceremony; this supports your body’s ability to take in and absorb the cacao during the ceremony.

Dietary Requirements

The cacao itself is vegan, free from dairy, soya, gluten and GMOs.

Before the event, you will be asked:

1. Whether you have a nut allergy. Please be aware that the cacao has been packaged in premises that use nuts. If this is a problem for you, I need you to please contact me before the event.

2. Whether you wish to have your cacao with organic soya milk, organic oat milk, or to just have it plain with water only.

What to bring
to the ceremony

Please bring:

  • 1. A bottle of water
  • 2. A small blanket or shawl
  • 3. A small object that you are happy to dispose of (preferably hand-held size). This will be used in a 'letting go' exercise.

Ground Rules

You are asked not to take any recreational drugs, or alcohol, before or during the event.

You will be asked to observe silence during the ecstatic dancing.


& Medical Advice

If you take MAIO antidepressants, antipsychotic medication or are being treated for psychosis then you should not consume cacao.

If you have any medical issues/conditions, are taking any prescribed medication or any of the below apply to you, you are advised to consult your GP/health care professional before drinking cacao.

Examples of issues of concern:

  • You are pregnant and/or breastfeeding

  • You are taking antidepressants, SSRIs or 5HTP

  • You suffer from a bleeding disorder

  • You suffer from any heart conditions or have any high or low blood pressure

  • You suffer from GERD (gastro-oesophageal reflux disease)

  • You suffer from IBS irritable bowel syndrome)

  • You have any sensitivities (e.g caffeine or stimulant sensitivities)

  • You are on any prescribed medication

In general, it is best to consult with a doctor about all drugs and supplements you are using or considering, prior to the consumption of cacao.

As part of your self-care, you are encouraged to share any concerns you have before, during and after the ceremony.